TRV SERIESa pulverising level of high quality


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The TocDem TRV series has been designed to fulfill the functions of primary and secondary demolition. Manufactured specifically with HARDOX for maximum wear and tear resistance, the RV hydraulic rotating pulverisers are equipped with a regenerative circuit for a responsive opening and closing of their powerful jaws. The RV series is further strengthened by a hydraulic rotation (360°) that allows maximum precision for pulveriser placement in any working condition.

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TRV Model U.M. TRV 6 TRV 10 TRV 16 TRV 20 TRV 25
OPENING (A) mm 520 630 780 820 910
in 20 25 30 32 36
LENGTH (B) mm 1,410 1,900 2,330 2,390 2,510
in 55 75 92 94 99
WIDTH (C) mm 340 380 460 480 480
in 13.4 15 18.1 18.9 18.9
EXCAVATOR WEIGHT Tonne 7.0 / 12.0 9.0 / 15.0 15.0 / 20.0 20.0 / 26.0 25.0 / 32.0
lb 15,400 / 26,400 19,800 / 33,000 33,000 / 44,000 44,000/ 57,200 55,000 / 70,400
EQUIPMENT WEIGHT Kg 600 1,050 1,610 1,900 2,580
lb 1323 2,315 3,549 4,189 5,688
OIL PRESSURE Bar 250 310 340 340 340
Psi 3625 4,496 4,931 4,931 4,931
OIL CAPACITY L/min 80 / 100 180 / 220 180 / 220 210 / 260 250 / 300
g/min 21 / 26 47 / 58 47 / 58 55 / 68 66 / 79
ROTATION OIL PRESSURE Bar 60 140 140 140 140
Psi 870 2,030 2,030 2,030 2,030
ROTATION OIL CAPACITY L/min 20 30 30 30 30
g/min 5.2 8 8 8 8
TRV Model U.M. TRV 30 TRV 40 TRV 60 TRV 80 TRV 110
OPENING (A) mm 1,040 1,130 1,280 1,350 1,720
in 41 45 50 53 68
LENGTH (B) mm 2,660 2,850 3,230 3,400 3,800
in 105 112 127 134 150
WIDTH (C) mm 510 550 660 620 650
in 20.1 21.65 25.98 24.4 25.6
EXCAVATOR WEIGHT Tonne 30.0 / 40.0 38.0 / 55.0 50.0 / 80.0 70.0 / 90.0 90.0 / 120.0
lb 66,000/ 88,000 83,600 / 121,000 110,000/ 176,000 154,000 / 198,000 198,000 / 264,000
EQUIPMENT WEIGHT Kg 3,040 3,940 6,000 7,800 9,950
lb 6,702 8,333 13228 17,196 21,936
OIL PRESSURE Bar 340 340 340 340 340
Psi 4,931 4,931 4,931 4,931 4,931
OIL CAPACITY L/min 300 / 350 300 / 350 300 / 400 400 / 500 500 / 600
g/min 79 / 92 79 / 92 79 / 105 106 / 132 132 / 158
ROTATION OIL PRESSURE Bar 140 140 140 140 140
Psi 2,030 2,030 2,030 2,030 2,030
ROTATION OIL CAPACITY L/min 30 60 60 60 60
g/min 8 16 16 16 16
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